Station Film director Sarah Chatfield featured in LBB’s “Action-Packed and Dynamic: The Art of Directing Sports Ads.”

LBB’s Addison Capper speaks with Station Film’s Sarah Chatfield and other seasoned pros about dealing with ever-present time constraints when working with athletes, and the art of balancing realism and choreography.

“Building relationships with athletes and teams is crucial. They’re the heart and soul of the sport. I collaborate closely with them to capture their authentic personalities and translate their stories into compelling visuals. Only then can I start to shape the creative concept into a bold, memorable audio-visual experience. By immersing myself in the world of the sport and its fans, I’m able to develop ideas that are not just entertaining but genuinely connect with people on an emotional level.” ~ Sarah Chatfield

Read the full piece on LBBONLINE.COM.

View more of Sarah’s work HERE.