New Airbnb campaign from directing duo henry/ssong aims to enlighten youth about their collective cultural roots.

In an effort to attract a younger generation of Chinese to join in the experiences and encourage them to trace their collective cultural roots, Airbnb has launched a film called ‘Lost And Found’ created by Mother Shanghai in collaboration with directing team henry/ssong.

The campaign is to support Airbnb bringing 40 Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) experiences to Beijing, Chengdu, Guangzhou & Qiandongnan through their platform. The films aim to “bring new meanings, new perspectives, and new energy to the featured Chinese cultural heritage, empowering the sustainable development of cultural preservation in China.”

“Our mission at Airbnb is to bring people together, sharing experiences and building communities,” said the brand. “It’s worrying that as generations pass, culture gets forgotten. This film is our contribution to help culture be remembered.”

“Being part of the “Lost & Found” project, with Airbnb and Lucky Sparks, is an unforgettable experience for us,” said Mother Shanghai. “Traditional culture and craftsmanship are gradually being forgotten in today’s fast-moving era. This beautiful and moving documentary should help people begin to appreciate these. With respect to the love of Chinese traditional culture there once again.”

See the article HERE.

Watch more of henry/ssong’s work HERE.