Director Ssong Yang, Wonderful Agency “Believe in Love” For Valentine’s Day campaign from Teleflora.

Floral deliver service Teleflora introduces its 2024 Valentine’s Day bouquet lineup with a brand-new campaign, “Believe in Love,” which celebrates finding love in the modern world. According to a recent survey, the number of Americans who don’t have a steady partner is up 50 percent since 1986. Through this campaign, Teleflora reminds audiences that the journey to finding love begins with the belief that it’s out there, waiting to be discovered.

“Believe in Love” follows five couples as they share their personal love story in a documentary-style interview format. From an emotional start with disbelief that true love existed, fear of heartbreak and feelings that they weren’t deserving of love, individuals lit up as they described how meeting their partner relinquished those fears and made them not only feel love, but also believe in it. Each interview closes with their partner joining them with a surprise Teleflora bouquet and love note.

Teleflora’s “Believe in Love” campaign was developed by The Wonderful Company’s in-house creative team at Wonderful Agency. The campaign, including this “Believe in Love” anthem film, was directed by Station Film’s Ssong Yang. Yang brings her strength for docu-narrative storytelling to the campaign with heartfelt portrayals from real-life couples who unexpectedly discover love, even some who thought it would elude them.

Read the story at SHOOT Online.

Teleflora | Believe in Love

Cynthia & Vincent
Luis & Bianca